Transition Programs, College Programs, and Gap Year Programs
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If your older teen / young adult child is not quite ready for independent living, a Young Adult Transition Program or Gap Year program may be just what you need. Find a host of programs, schools, and educational consultants to help you choose the right Young Adult Transition Program for your almost adult child!
Berkshire Hills Music Academy--Music Infused Vocational and Independent Living Program for young adults with learning difficulties between 18 and 30
Emerge College Success Program-- integrates life coaching,student support services, and Gap Year options into each student's transition to college.
Life Compass Partners, Educational Consultants -- We help you find the right residential and non-residential programs for children and teens with all sort of LD ,behavioral, emotional and medical situations
Don C. Haworth, Productive Child/Teenager Transportation
-- provides a safe, affordable, and secure to transport your teens and or young adults
Emerge College Success Program, integrates life coaching and student support services into each student's transition to college.
Family Teen Help -- Information, Resources, Support For Adolescent, Teen and Young Adult Issues
Horizon Family Solutions
-- school and transition program placement and counseling for at risk teens and their families
Imy Wax, Educational Consultant-- provides school placement and special program placement for students with special educational needs
Life Development Institute
-- innovative experiential learning and a practical, supportive transition process to adult living
Mason Associates , School placement and educational consulting for children and teens with special needs
OPTIONS at Brehm, is a comprehensive transitional program for young adults with learning disabilities
in Illinois
Options for College Success, is a supervised college program, located in Evanston, Illinois, for young adults between 18 - 30 with learning disabilities
REACH at the University of Iowa
, a living-learning campus experience to help young adults with multiple learning and cognitive disabilities become independent, engaged members of their community.
-- young adult transition program offering vocational training (with emphasis on computer skills), college courses, life skills, social skills training
-- Life Development Institute, -- innovative experiential learning and a practical, supportive transition process to adult living
Statewide, Regional and Local Services
Los Angeles
--Of One Mind, Outpatient treatment and counseling for addicted and/or troubled teens and young adults and their families; provides a comprehensive program of academic services tailored to the specific needs of each student
Napa--Moving Forward, residential and life skills program for
young adults with with developmental, learning, and autism spectrum disabilities.
Newport Beach--Christine Prosser, MFT, Family Therapist
empathetic couseling for troubled teens, youg adults, couples, and families
South Pasadena--services that help young adults transition from dependence to independence
(Bay Area) -- Stanbridge Academy, K-12 school with good transition program for students with mild / moderate LD and social communication disorders
Sierra Madre--TOTAL (Treatment of The Autistic Leaner) Programs, provide quality education and life skills training to individuals with Autism or other exceptional needs and their families
New London--Thames Academy at Mitchell College pre-college transitional experience for students with ADHD and other learning disabilities
Life Compass Partners, Educational Consultants -- We help you find the right residential and non-residential programs for children and teens with all sort of LD ,behavioral, emotional and medical situations
Boise, Emerge College Success Program integrates life coaching and student support services into each student's transition to college.
Carbondale -- OPTIONS at Brehm, a comprehensive transitional program for young adults with learning disabilities
Chicago Metro area--Don C. Haworth, Productive Child/Teenager Transportation --
provides a safe, affordable, and secure method to transport your teens or young adults to therapeutic programs
Effingham--Lakeview NeuroRehabilitation Center ,
a full continuum of post-acute care for children, teens, and adults, including young adult transition program
Amenia--The Maplebrook School, offers students with LD a collegiate experience including credentials programs and courses for college credit
New York City--New Frontiers,
support for Students transitioning to college in New York City and Westchester
Statewide or Regional Services
--Mason Associates, school and program placement and consultation
for at risk teens and young adults
St. George
--TechieForLife, YA transition program offers residential school with vocational training (with emphasis on computer skills), college courses, life skills, social skills training
--At The Crossroads, a Young Adult Transitional program designed to help students (18 and older) gain a healthy and independent life away from their home environment
--Mason Associates, school and program placement and consultation
for at risk teens
Union Grove---Shepherds College, Post secondary
School for Young Adults with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
Life Compass Partners, Educational Consultants -- We help you find the right residential and non-residential programs for children and teens with all sort of LD ,behavioral, emotional and medical situations
Ontario, Canada