Frequently Asked
Why would a parent want to have their child assessed?
The Psychological Resource Center provides an initial assessment that
determines the areas of difficulty that are limiting a child's progress in
school. We also assess behavioral and emotional concerns and provide therapy
for the child and family.
Assessments are for the purpose of determining whether or not the difficulties that the child is experiencing are related to a learning problem, an emotional difficulty, family problems or Attention Deficit Disorder, or Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder.
There are a number of situations that present with many of the same symptoms. For example: Children, who are not getting enough sleep because of a physiological issue such as sleep apnea or a psychological concern such as anxiety, often appear to be inattentive, irritable and overly active.
Children who are having difficulties with acquiring skills in the classroom often appear to be oppositional and refuse to do work that is really too difficult for them. Children who seem to be unwilling to do their schoolwork may have difficulties with organization, concept formation or reading fluency. A child may have basic cognitive or neurological difficulties such as memory problems or auditory or visual-perception integration problems. By developing an understanding of a child's strengths and weaknesses, we are able to point the family in a direction that will allow them to find the help that would be most useful for a child's problems. Children may benefit from tutoring programs, speech and language therapy and occupational therapy that will improve coordination and visual-perception.
In most cases, but not all, children who have learning problems often have low self esteem and behavior problems. Play therapy and cognitive/behavioral therapy can be helpful for these children. Learning problems often improve if a child is getting help for anxiety, oppositional disorders and interpersonal problems. Helping a child with emotional and behavioral difficulties goes hand in hand with providing help for learning problems. While the child is getting help for learning problems, we can provide the circumstances that allow a child to feel better about him or herself and to help a family with parenting issues
When should a child have psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy for children is indicated when a child's social, emotional or
behavioral difficulties have become a pattern and are interfering with his or
her ability to work in school or to interact with friends and family. Therapy
for preschool and school age children is usually a combination of play therapy
and cognitive/behavioral therapy. Young children often respond fairly quickly
to therapeutic interventions that may ward off more serious problems when they
are older.
Child therapists usually meet with parents and/or stepparents once a month or more often if necessary. Therapists also meet with teachers and other professionals to help parents develop an integrated approach to their problems. Parents can be helped with parenting counseling and are kept informed about the progress of their child's therapy.
Therapy helps children to integrate their abilities and become more functional learners. It helps children who are anxious to understand their fears and to develop coping mechanisms. It helps children who are angry or depressed to express their disappointments and learn to make efforts to help themselves. It is also a safe place for children to learn and to practice social skills.
What activities do children participate in when they are in therapy?
What is play therapy?
Play therapy for children allows children to use various media such as
drawings, audiotapes, small figures in a sand tray or clay to make up stories.
Children's stories reflect their innermost concerns in a manner that is
tolerable for them. For example: a child who is worried about fires may make
up several stories about fires and firemen. The therapist helps the child to
express the stories fully and to understand the issues that are affecting the
Fees: Are similar to those charged for therapy services by professionals in our area. Insurance companies will usually reimburse based on a percentage of a maximum of $80/ hour. A full battery of tests usually takes between 6 to 8 hours including meetings with the parents.
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