Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten?

A Recent Trend

  Starting children in kindergarten when they are socially, emotionally, and physically ready rather than when they have reached a certain age has become the norm. When is the time right for your child to enter kindergarten and how can you determine that time? The following guidelines may help you make the decision.

Children should be emotionally ready to be away from their families and have enough self-control to participate in a group and follow instructions. In kindergarten, children will need the following skills:

  1. Speak well with few infantile pronunciations
  2. Be able to attend to a task for 20 minutes
  3. Count to ten, recognize colors, write their name
  4. Draw a picture of a person
  5. Hop on one foot, skip, catch a ball

If you have questions about your child's readiness, observe the child in a group of similarly aged children. Does your child have similar social skills and physical abilities? Can your child talk and understand others as well as the other children? Is your child as emotionally resilient as the other children are?

If you are in doubt, a qualified person can help you to make a decision. Many schools provide kindergarten screening at no cost to parents. A licensed psychologist trained in child-assessment can provide an in-depth evaluation to help the parents make a decision and find the best school situation for the child.


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