ADHD and Screen Time During the Quarantine: How Can You Help?
by Stan Clark, health writer for CBDClinicals.com
What is Brain Training?
by Tanya Mitchell, Chief Research Officer of www.LearningRx.com
Top Ten Nondrug ADHD Recommendations
by Dr. Gary Eisenberg, psychologist, of www.Denver-eval.com.
Thoughts on Executive Skills
by Ari Goldstein, Ph.D, Cognitive Solutions Learning Center, www.helpforld.com.
Is it ADHD... and why do I need to know yet?
by Cindy Goldrich,Ed.M., ACAC, Certified ADHD Parent and Teen Coach, www.PTScoaching.com
Bullying and Your Special Needs Child
by Judith Greenberg, Ph.D., Director of School Finders, LLC.
Weighted Vests for Kids with Sensory Disorder
from Fun and Function, creators of kid-friendly sensory tools and therapy equipment
Treating ADHD Successfully Without Drugs
by Ari Goldstein, Ph.D, Cognitive Solutions Learning Center, www.helpforld.com.
Tips for Helping Children with Symptoms of ADHD
by Sarah Major, MA, Child1st Publications
You Can Treat ADHD Without Drugs or Medication With the "Right" School
by Cheryl Stradling, MS,Educational Administrator at Glenwood Academy, Mt. Airy, Maryland
Help for Struggling Learners with ADHD and other Learning Disabilities
from Learning Technics
The effects of Summer Heat on Psychotropic Medications
by Regina Cashman, M.A., ADHD Coach, www.addcoach.info
How a Gifted Child can have ADD-- and What to Do About the Problem
by Rimma Danov, PhD., of Brain Academy Tutoring, Testing & Coaching Center in New York
Parenting my ADHD Kid "is Killing Me"
by Dr. Martin Keller, Ph.D., Scottsdale, AZ , www.psychologistscottsdale.com
Who is Eligible to Receive Test Accommodations and How to Get Extra Time on Standardized Tests
by Rimma Danov, PhD., of Brain Academy Tutoring, Testing & Coaching Center in New York
Should I medicate my child who has been diagnosed with ADHD.. and other questions
from LearningRx
ADHD Limits Academic Test Scores and Quality of Social Interactions, and increases the chances for TBI
by Diane Danov, PhD., of Brain Academy Tutoring, Testing & Coaching Center in New York
Support for Attention Challenges
By Linda Balsiger, M.S., CCC-SLP
ADHD and Its Implications
by Dr. Richard Komm, Llc, Psychologist (CA. and AZ.)
The Impact of Learning Disabilities on the Self
by Dr. Allison Waterworth, Psy.D., ABPP , San Francisco, CA
ADHD Unmasked -- Understanding ADHD Better
from Dr. Russel Griffiths and LearningRx
The Use of ADHD Drugs on College Campuses to Enhance Academic Performance
By Leslie Rouder, LCSW, of www.addadults.net
Brain-Training Exercises for Children with ADHD
By Wendy Burt-Thomas for LearningRx
Helping You and Your Child Express Feelings
by Dr. Brian Brown, Associate Director, Brehm School
ADHD Myths, Options, and Tips
By Moshe Elbaum of www.intelligence-integration.com
What is a Psychoeducational Evaluation?
by Dr. M. L. Burgee, Executive Director of Applied Counseling & Psychoeducational Services; Rockville, Maryland
Adults with ADHD in the workforce: Non-scientific insights and practical considerations to enhance job retention and career satisfaction.
by Rob Crawford is CEO/Co-founder of the Life Development Institute in Arizona
Visual Learning Strategies for Children with ADD / ADHD
by Sarah Major, MA, Child1st Publications
Homework Strategies for Children with ADHD
By Linda Karanzalis, M.S., Learning Specialist / ADD Coach
Help Your Child Improve on His / Her Cognitive Skills Through Training
by Kim Hanson, of LearningRx
Transition and Post-secondary program considerations for young adults with ADHD and related conditions
by Rob Crawford, M.Ed , for the Life Development Institute, Glendale, AZ
Help Your Child with ADHD Succeed in Math
by Melissa Katz, M.S., with MK Educational Therapy
LD Assessments May be Tax Deductible
By James Lawrence Thomas, PhD
ADHD: Accurate Diagnosis is the Key to Effective Interventions
By Dr. Rebecca Resnik
Learning Strategies for Children with ADHD
By Heather Lewis of Rockngolive.com
A Letter to Children with Attention Deficit Disorders
By Myles Cooley, PhD
Decrease the Effects of ADHD on Your Child
By Wendy Burt-Thomas for LearningRx
How is ADD Diagnosed?
By James Lawrence Thomas, PhD
Note Taking Skills for Kids with Learning Differences
By Emily Levy
Contemporary Learning Science Promises to Unlock your Child's Hidden Potential
by Dr. Russell Griffiths, Mission Viejo, CA and LearningRx
Effects of Nutritional Supplements in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
By Mary F. Zesiewicz, MD
Choosing a Tutor, Learning Specialist or Learning Therapist
By Matthew Lundquist, LMSW, MSEd
The Art of Letting Go -- Aspergers / LD students Living on Their Own or At School
by Dr. Michael McManmon, Ed.D., executive director of the College Internship Program, and the founder of CIP
Strategies for Motivating Students to Learn
by Adam Wexler
Are Side Effects of ADHD Drugs Worse than ADHD Symptoms?
By Alvin Toh
A Special Education Success Story With Add and ADHD
By Claudia Mann
Learning And Teaching Social Skills: A Relationship-Based Approach
By Dr. Adam Cox
School Organizational Skills for Kids with Learning Disabilities
By Emily Levy
Parent Revolution to Beat Dyslexia or Learning Disabilities
By Mira nd Mark Halpert
ADHD and Troubled Teens
from the Academy of Eastern Arizona
ADHD Children--What If There Really Isn't Anything Wrong?
By Kirk Martin
The Facts on ADHD Coaching
By Fran Hopkins
Help Children with LD Become Successful Adults
By Dr. Bruce Hirsch
The Biology of ADD / ADHD
by Dr. Jared Maloff, Clinical Psychologist
How Learning Disabilities Asssessment and Diagnosis Can Help Your Child
by Dr. Richard Komm, , Llc. Psychologist (Arizona and California)
Heredity and ADHD
By Evan Coldsmith
Help Your Child with ADHD Follow Directions
By by Karina Richland, M.A., E.T.,Director and Founder of Pride Learning Centers (Los Angeles Metro Area)
How To Cope With 'attention Deficit Disorder' In Your Children
By Evan Coldsmith
Test Prep and Study Skills for LD Kids and Teens
By Lynne Popp, M.S. Learning Disabilities
Are Team Sports Good for Special Needs Kids?
By Alexa Simmons
School Placement, and the Changing Climate of Adolescence: Prediction, Warning, or Watch?
by Leslie Goldberg, M.Ed., CEP, the Goldberg Center for Educational Planning, Braintree, MA
Test Stress and the "At-Risk" Student
by Judith Greenberg, Ph.D., School Finders, LLC.
How to Prepare your LD Student for College
by Judith Greenberg, Ph.D., School Finders, LLC.
Homeschooling A Right-Brained, Visual Learner?
by Kerry Jones
School Support for LD and ADD
by Laurie Wagner, Reading and Language Arts Centers, Inc.
The Importance of Correct Diagnosis: ADHD
by Dr. Jared Maloff, Clinical Psychologist
You and Your Distractible Child
by Dr. Jared Maloff, Clinical Psychologist
Troubled Teen Girls and Special Program Placement
by Dore Frances, MA
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provides this information in an effort to help parents find local special
education professionals, resources, and treatment plans. ISER does not recommend or endorse
any particular special education referral source, treatment method, type of special
education professional, or specific special education professional.
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