By Judith Greenberg, Ph.D.
President, School Finders, LLC
More and more schools are graduating high school Special Needs students who want and can achieve a college degree. Students with learning issues who have been in general education programs with an IEP or 504 plan throughout their school years need to be certain that they find a college or university that can continue such a learning program.
There are many colleges throughout the US that have excellent programs for such students. As these students make up a large population of young adults who want to learn, colleges are prepared to work with them and the programs that are available are excellent.
The first and most doable place to consider is the local Community College. With multiple programs for such students, these colleges help guide the student into the right program and see to it that students succeed. The Community Colleges in the United States are a life saver for so many students who cannot afford the four year costs for an education. As an Associates Degree is offered by a two year college, many students can complete their studies in a program that is developed for the needs of students with disabilities. The cost is lower, the classes are smaller, social skills are taught, and other accommodations are developed to help students who wish to move into academia programs. If a student wants to continue forward to a four year degree, transfers can be made so the student is accepted to a college or university that
also has a Special Needs program.
Start looking into organizations, colleges, and special programs so you can find the help you need. Some of these programs are costly but excellent, and it is vital to find the right help so you can accomplish your plans. An excellent program is CLE, College Living Experience. This program provides transition supports to young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD and other varying exceptionalities.
Many colleges feel that a disability does not mean that a student can't get a degree. The list below is made up of colleges that have specialized programs for students with special needs. Some are transition programs others are full yearly programs. These are some schools that I recommend to students:
Special needs students are often passed over for admission due to their disabilities interfering with
their testing scores. Colleges look at these test scores and may overlook a student who could succeed at the college level. Search for programs within the college and speak with admissions people and the individuals who run the special needs programs at every university you plan to send an application. Not every college has programs for various learning issues, however many have more than one program and seek to take students who can excel at a college level. Many colleges offer summer enrichment programs for students that include classes, meeting with program teachers and help
students transition into college living and learning.
A serious look into colleges and universities on this list and through your high school counselor, family and friends will help you make this important decision. The list of schools is just a summary, and there are bound to be colleges that you like and if you look closely at your needs, you will find the right program and the right school.
The University of Iowa
West VA Wesleyan College
Daemen College
Gallaudet University
Landmark College
University of Arizona, Tucson
Drexel University
Mercyhurst University
Marshall University
Beacon College
Southern Illinois Univ.
Depaul university
Hofstra University
University of Denver
Rochester Institute of Technology
Marist College
Univ. of Connecticut
American University
Misericordia Univ
Franklin Pierce Univ.
Muskingum University
Manhattanville College
Westfield State Univ.
Ursuline College
Westminster College
College of Charleston
Curry College
High Point University
Lesley University
Lynn University
Dean College
Mitchell College
Landmark College
Towson College
Disclaimer: Internet Special Education Resources (ISER)
provides this information in an effort to help parents find local special
education professionals and resources. ISER does not recommend or endorse
any particular special education referral source, special educational methodological bias, type of special
education professional, or specific special education professional.