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Teen Gambling
Defining Problem Gambling for the Adolescent
by Dore Frances, IEC, M.A., founder of Horizon Family Solutions, LLCProblem gambling for the adolescent is a level of gambling that creates problems for the gambler and his/her family. The level of gambling may interfere with personal relationships, with school or work, and may include diversion of funds needed for other purchases to the gambling activity. The adolescent may incur debts of substantial amounts to continue the activity. When you suspect that your teen is gambling, please get them immediate assistance.
Compulsive Gambling is a progressive disease.
Note: Gambling often begins as a family activity. Are you perpetuating unhealthy gambling habits?
Motives for Adolescent Gambling Behavior
Profile of the Typical Teen Gambler:
- Relaxation
- Enjoyment, Excitement, Entertainment
- Adventure, Attention
- Opportunity
- Negative Feelings
Indicators of Problem Gambling in Teens
- Successful
- Motivated
- Intelligent (IQ of 115-120 or higher)
- Competitive
- History of good or excellent performance at school or work.
- Alcohol or Substance abuse has not been a part of regular behavior
- No longer participates in hobbies or extracurricular activities
- Holds high expectations of self and others - perfectionist
- Bored easily in social settings - looks for new situations to keep up feelings.
- Withdraw from family
- Unexplained need for money
- multiple game viewing
- Valuables missing from home
- overly intensive watching
- Borrowing money from family and friends
- overly upset at game's conclusion
- Exaggerated display of money and other possessions
- interest in sports teams of which there were no previous allegiance
- Frequent cards / dice games at home
- Unusual interest in periodicals reporting sports results
- Missing from school or classes
- uncharacteristic usage of phone
- Tardy to school
- Gambling paraphernalia
- drop in school grades
- betting slips
- drop in other outside activities
- IOU's
- Excessive TV sports watching
- lottery tickets
- late night calls
- increased irritability or hostility
- phone charges to sports results call or 1-900 phone numbers
- Lying over whereabouts
Dore Frances, IEC, is an educcational consultant, childs right advocate, parent coach, specializing in working with troubled teens and their families in the United States, Canda, and abroad. See her site at: or contact her by phone at:(541) 312-4422, or email
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