Ramapo for Children

Inspiring Children. Enriching Lives.
PO Box 266/Rte. 52/Salisbury Turnpike
Rhinebeck, New York 12572
Tel: 845-876-8403
Fax: 845-876-8414
Summer Camp for Special Needs Children
Camp Ramapo provides a safe, predictable and highly structured environment which fosters the development of positive social and learning skills. Campers live in rustic bunks with an average of six campers in each group. A particular strength of Ramapo is its one-to-one staff-to-camper ratio. The atmoshpere is warm and supportive; all activities are carefully supervised; and the grounds are attractvie and well cared for.
Children, ages four to sixteen, are referred by parents, teachers, and mental health professionals and we offer the following programs:
- Early Adventure (ages 4-6) -- a therapeutic, educational and fun-filled summer camp experience that prepares them to enter school with improved readiness and social skills. On-going studies show that Early Adventure campers make significant gains in many areas of development, and that this "boost" lasts for many years.
- Summer Adventure (ages 7-14)-- We provide many challenging activities designed to promote confidence and build trust: Swimming and athletics; Arts and crafts, such as woodcraft and ceramics ;Additional activities including a reading center, computers, miniature golf, a discovery center (science and nature) and chess
- Teen Leadership (ages 14-16) -- offers activities and learning
opportunities designed to build healthy relationships and promote discipline, self-reflection, a
willing attitude, and concern for others. Teen Leaders are expected to commit to a set of
community values and individual principles that are reinforced through small group seminars,
adventure-based activities, community service projects, and consistent, ongoing contact with
a Ramapo mentor.