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Mobile ThinkingŪ


mobile thinking autism software

4019 Goldfinch Street, #115
San Diego, CA 92103

Tel: 619-293-7451
Fax: 619-294-3130

Helping Teachers Help StudentsŪ

  mTrialŪ is a software program that parents, agencies, clinics, and consultants can use to record and report discrete trial, cold probe, and verbal behavior data.

If you're a parent of a child with autism, go to to find out why your child's agency should be using mTrial. Agencies save time and money when using mTrial, and you can get reports emailed to you regularly.

If you provide ABA therapy to your own child, buy mTrial and try it for yourself. It's easy to use and provide powerful reports. There is a 30 day money back guarantee, so there's nothing to lose.

If you're from an agency or school that provides ABA therapy to your students, go to to learn how powerful mTrial is and how it can save to save $1,000 or more per student per year, just by using mTrial.


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