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Special Education & Learning Disabilities Resources: A Nationwide Directory

The Agape Center

Helping You Reach Your Potential

100 North Rancho Road
Suite #1
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362

Tel: 805 495 3937
Fax: 805 373 9843

E-Mail: AgapeOptom@aol.com

Web Site: www.Agape1.com

Complete Evaluation & Management of Learning Problems

Diagnostic testing is done with nationally normed referenced tests such as the Detroit. These tests usually are completed in 1.5 hours. A descriptive written report is then presented at a separate consultation with parents. Phone consultations with teachers are done as needed. Testing is completed in the following areas:

  • Audition: Phonemic awareness & memory
  • Vision: Tracking, binocularity & memory
  • Cognition: Speed of processing, imagery & logic

If deficits are discovered, treatment is carried out on a one-to-one basis which is developmentally sequential. This therapy is done in either a office or home setting. Objectives for treatment success are based on improvements in behavior and test scores.

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