Internet Special Education Resources
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Teen Transport and Escort: How it Works
by Leslie A. Lamb Sr. CPP, Joseph Chevalier, Sherlock, Inc.
Ninety percent of teenagers who have been advised by their parents and/or legal guardians that they are being sent to a boarding school, boot camp, wilderness camp, etc. will not go willingly. There will be problems that arise, as the child will attempt to talk you out of it, physically resist, attempt suicide, or they will simply run away.
Our Teen Transport Service eliminates all of these problems and reduces the traumatic stress for both the parent and their child. As parents ourselves, we understand this situation and respectfully handle each case with care and concern in a professional manner. Prior to our arrival, we discuss with the parent their child’s situation in order for us to learn as much as possible about their child. This will enable us to prepare and aid us in the transportation. During our conversation with the parents we advise them that it is imperative for them not to respond to their child’s plea of wanting to talk with them or to show their presence as we are exiting the residence. The reason that we do not want the parents to respond to the child is that experience has shown that this causes an unnecessary resistance by the child.
Upon arrival we have the parent(s) wake the child, introduce us and explain that we are there to escort him/her to the school chosen by the parent(s). The parent(s) then leave the room. This is probably the most stressful time for the child and we then explain to the child and assure him/her that we are not going to harm him/her and that we are only here to escort him/her to the school. The child’s first reaction is one of disbelief. We then encourage the child to get dressed and we inform him/her that there are no negotiations relative to their being transported. We also inform the child that they will not be able to speak with their parent(s) before leaving the residence. The child is then told that we need their cooporation, so that we can make their trip as comfortable as possible. We then ask the child if he/she has any questions and if they do we answer all questions honestly. We then explain the escort procedures to the child.
Once we have left the residence we make sure that the child is safely placed in the vehicle and is comfortable. We insist that the child wear his/her seatbelt at all times. We again explain where we are going and how long it will take and ask if he/she has any questions. As an attempt to reduce the tension and stress that the child is going through, we then ask if the child is hungry, thirsty or needs to use the restroom. If the child expresses hunger we get him/her some type of fast foods without leaving the vehicle, and if he/she needs to use the restroom he/she is escorted. While en-route we attempt to engage the child in conversation and let the child know that he/she can talk to us freely. We then explain to the child that his/her parent’s love them and are sending them to school to give him/her the best chance to succeed in life. We talk to the child to let them know the importance of graduating from high school and establishing a positive attitude about themselves. We explain to the child and let he/she know that this is being done in their best interest.
Our primary objective as a Teen Transport Company is the safety and security of a concerned parent’s child. Our staff of highly trained professionals works with the parents and child to relieve the stress when our services are required.
Leslie A. Lamb Sr. CPP
Director of Operations
Sherlock, Inc
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