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Developing Minds Software

special education dta tracking software
special education dta tracking software
Special Education Data Tracking Software

P.O. Box 202046
Denver, CO 80220

Tel: 888-595-5195

DDtrac: Special Eduacation Data Tracking

DDtrac is an innovative software solution that eases the burden of tracking, reporting, and analyzing special education student data. The web-based DDtrac system allows data to be collected related to student performance during educational tasks and social interactions as well as documenting a variety of student behaviors. It can generate reports and charts based on student data which can be used to assess student progress and allow teachers and therapists to assess the effectiveness of different educational interventions.

More about DDtrac online special education data tracking software:

  • The program includes over 4000 Individual Education Plan (IEP), Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), Verbal Behavior (VB), life skill, speech and occupational therapy objectives, goals and targets specifically targeted at students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
  • The program allows behaviors to be tracked, giving users the capability to evaluate an individual's behavior, study behavior trends and evaluate behavior triggers.
  • The program also allows data related to social behaviors to be captured to improve the success of social development programs.

The program is designed to allow data input from either a Mac, PC or a PDA with a connection to the Internet.

Check our website for additional details.

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