1650 South Amphlett Blvd.
Suite 300
San Mateo, CA 94402-2516
Ph: (650) 655-2410
Fax: (650)655-2411
- Our web site has hundreds of resources to search, allows you to submit a
question to our information specialists over the web, and the ability to
customize the web site with Schwab Foundation for Learning articles so
they are in one place. Interested parties can also call the Schwab
Foundation for Learning at 1-800-230-0988.
Our resource consultants, who specialize in learning differences, are
available for
one-on-one guidance sessions by phone or in person.
Our library contains books, video and audio tapes, children's books
(including "high
interest/ low vocabulary" titles), recommended reading lists, and an
information file
with current articles sorted by topic.
Our educational programs cover a broad range of topics to enhance
of students' diverse learning styles.
Our LD Matters, issued quarterly, features articles, pertinent
information, and
practical suggestions for assisting parents and educators help children
with learning differences.
Visit the Schwab Foundation for Learning web site
for more information and to access online resources.